*What are you meant to do with your life? *
*What is your life purpose? *
These are not easy questions to answer and truly require self-exploration and soul searching. Figuring out what you truly believe in, what you’re passionate about, and what your life-calling is, may be a process that continues through out the life-span.
It’s a journey that involves uncovering what really motivates you and where your purpose can serve a greater good.
It is invaluable to continue learning and bettering ourselves. There is always room for improvement, and as life goes on I run into new areas of interest and ways to grow. The more I learn the more I discover who I am, and what I’m capable of.
Similarly, as you grow, you have an opportunity to continually mold yourself into the ideal person you want to be.
Make the effort to learn more and grow as a person.
Give yourself a big dream and something to strive for that keeps you motivated and driven by a purpose.
Whether you are reinventing yourself because of a career change, following your life mission, or just trying to find your niche, keep moving confidently toward your goals and never quite. There are so many ways to begin self-transformation.
Below are just a few.*
Find your Direction through Self-Evaluation
Start the process of self-transformation by evaluating where you are now, compared to where you want to be. This involves assessing your valves and desire. Answer these questions: What is most important to you? What would be the one thing you would do if you could choose to do anything? Stop striving for things that don’t make you happy and start to love your work and make it your mission. Create a vision for your future that gives you inspiration and enlivens your ambitions. You can have fun at what you do. A person having fun at what they do is less likely to quit when the going gets tough, and is more likely to attract others to be a part of their mission. Develop your vision, believe in your purpose, and start to enjoy the experience of reinventing yourself. By developing self-awareness of your values, interests, and talents you can understand what’s truly important. You can discover what sparks your passion, and align your goals with these values and abilities.
Learning, Training, and Doing
“All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.” – Juvenal *
Do you often go to workshops and seminars?
What is your source of personal development?
Committing to education whether formal or informal is essential to expanding your identity and developing into the person you want to be. If you could do only one thing right now, starting learning about the area or occupation you are most interested in pursuing. Keep researching and finding information that relates to the new you, and figure out how to get where you are going. Combining training and hands on experience with education is a fundamental way to transform your abilities and help you achieve goals.
Get Feedback from Others
Another great way to begin growing and expanding, is to get feedback from others whom you trust and admire. Constructive feedback allows you to make changes and improve in areas where growth can be gained. This is where you gain real world advice and specific ideas that relate to you personally. How can you specifically alter your situation to make it better? Don’t let feedback discourage you or limit your willingness to transform yourself. Feedback is meant to show where improvement can be made. Take feedback and use it to grow and improve. Remove your ego and don’t focus on feedback as a “personal attack”. Trust the person who is providing advice and believe the feedback is going to help you move closer to your achievements. Also, recognize the important of building a relationship. Avoid simply thinking “What’s in it for me?” Realize a relationship must be cultivated for another person to take an invested interest in your success. Not only are you receiving help with your own transformation, but are sharing and serving others in expanding their purpose and continuing their own development.
**Embrace Change **
Get excited about transforming yourself and look at the process as a valuable opportunity to better yourself.
Change is an inevitable part of life, and you can either resist the inevitable, or look forward to new experience and prepare for a new role and responsibility.
People can learn new things by following a growth mindset, and believing they can improve in areas of weakness and continue building on strengths.
Keep your vision of the future in your mind and begin to develop a plan to get there.
Organize the steps to take, start learning and practicing new skills, and work to obtain necessary resources.
By doing this you can start becoming the extraordinary person you were meant to be.